Thursday, 1 December 2011

Injections... Always a sore point!

My thigh is still a bit sore today.

I should of course explain that statement as it does have relevance. I am on Avonex (intramuscular disease modifying drug) and inject once a week and sometimes a few days after my leg just gets a bit sore at the injection site. It must be my rubbish technique! I did once in the early stages inject into my thigh bone (very painful, definitely wouldn’t recommend it) as my GP advised me when I demonstrated where I had put the needle in and told him how painful it was.

"Ahh I think you were a bit heavy handed and went into the bone" he said and then went on to give me some guidance on the best portion of my generous thigh to use.

I am lucky to have a lovely GP who gives you time to explain your problems or concerns and doesn’t just stick to the allotted 5 minutes appointment time. The nurse at the surgery is also brilliant.

A quick funny story about my support from the nurse.

It’s January 2011 and I’m with the nurse at the Doctors surgery ready to do my 1st injection. I’ve read all the information provided by Avonex, watched the DVD, practised with a piece of sponge with my MS Nurse and now here we are, my partner by my side and I’m ready. As I sit, jeans around my ankles. thigh awaiting it’s fate, needle in hand........ Ping......all the lights go out. Power cut!

Yes I did my 1st injection by torch light. It could only happen to me!

Apparently I did use a degree of force (Nurse actually jumped) and commented that although it was an intramuscular injection a swift dart action was all that was needed. We did all have a good laugh about it and I think it’s one appointment she just might remember.

Anyone else out there using Avonex have any stories or bits of advice when they started injecting?

I have a somewhat difficult relationship with my MS Nurse but that’s another story..............

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